Saturday, May 18, 2024


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Formerly relying on crutches for mobility, legendary bodybuilder Ronnie Coleman boasts that no one could match his feat of leg pressing 2300 lbs for nine repetitions.

King Ronnie Coleman person is

This individual was known for their attractive appearance, toned physique, and tall stature, as well as their lively and entertaining performances during their prime. Despite having retired and undergone 13 surgeries, they maintain their jovial and enjoyable personality.bodybuilding

The performer was able to perform splits and dance to Michael Jackson’s music on stage, showcasing his toned body. He embodies strength and skill. Jesse James West, a fitness enthusiast and YouTuber, had the chance to train with this iconic figure and learn about bodybuilding and fitness.

Bodybuilding star West had worked out with athletes who were top in their field. From sharing the gym with strongman Hafthor Bjornsson to Chris Heria, he always keeps the hype of his channel. Now West is at his peak after collaborating with the goat Coleman, who shows him how bodybuilding is done.

Ronnie Coleman understands that his bench press abilities are unmatched by anyone else.

The YouTube video was full of energy from the beginning, and viewers were immediately introduced to the workout routines that West and the 8-time Mr. Olympia winner would be doing that day. King Coleman was present to demonstrate his heaviest lifts to Jesse, so that the influencer could try them out. Jesse even inquired about the amount of weight Coleman had lifted for bench pressing, to which Coleman responded that he had successfully lifted 500 lbs. With Coleman’s encouragement, West attempted to lift 315 lbs and initially struggled, but with the King’s guidance, he was able to successfully bench press the weight.

The atmosphere in the gym was buzzing with anticipation as the self-proclaimed son of Coleman tried to bench press 415 pounds, fueled by the energy given to him by Coleman. The video featured Jesse James West attempting the same weight as the King. With Coleman’s motivational support, the fitness star successfully completed all the lifts. Finally, it was time for West’s ultimate challenge – attempting a 2300-pound leg press, a feat that only Coleman had accomplished in the industry.

“Despite already living his dream life, millionaire Jay Cutler felt most vulnerable in his prime when questioning if he would ever date again.”

Even though he was a millionaire and living the life of his dreams, Jay Cutler felt the most exposed during his prime years when he wondered if he would ever find love again.

He asked, 

“I doubt anyone has ever managed to do a 2300-pound leg press.”
The King responded quickly.

No one, at least for nine repetitions.810 pounds, the maximum weight he could press was 810 lbs

Jesse chose to not attempt the entire weight of 2300 lbs and instead opted for 810 lbs. He was prepared to take on the extremely challenging leg press exercise. With a weight of 810 pounds, his maximum press limit was also 810 lbs.“Yeah buddy”

The goat in the background cheered as West managed to complete three repetitions with the heavy weight. Although Coleman may have challenged West with his own intense workouts, West had also found ways to outsmart the King.


West cleverly deceived Coleman in order to impress him.


Coleman wished he had attempted to lift 800 pounds for a single squat.
Jesse James did fewer reps than Coleman, only completing two. But, he came up with a clever solution and disguised fake weights before Coleman saw them. He used this trick to make his father happy and said,

I have the responsibility to impress my biological father by lifting an incredible amount of weight that he could never achieve! Specifically, I aim to lift 800 pounds for at least two repetitions.

He strategically planted the weights so the King did not understand the trick and the West did not get caught red-handed. The young bodybuilder even got emotional as Coleman hyped him up and said, “

After a while, I finally felt like a son again for the first time.

Reworded: Check out this narrative: From Ronnie Coleman’s rise to dominance to Arnold Schwarzenegger’s impressive comeback in 1980 – here are the most memorable moments in bodybuilding.

In the end, West exposed the joke and as usual, Coleman took it very seriously. Despite having undergone 13 surgeries and struggling to walk, the professional bodybuilder can still outperform younger competitors in their sport. What is your opinion of this pair? Share with us in the comments.

Former bodybuilding champion Ronnie Coleman, who previously relied on crutches to walk, boasts that no one could ever match his feat of leg pressing 2300 lbs for nine reps. He proudly declares this in response to a post on EssentiallySports.