Monday, May 13, 2024


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“Ensuring the longevity of the Filipino education system through the use of technology”

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An expert suggested that the Philippine education industry should continue advancing in technology integration in order to improve teaching techniques and equip students with the necessary skills for future employment, which heavily relies on technological knowledge.

Educators can utilize data from modern digital education platforms to better meet the needs of their students.

During a B-Side episode, Ryan Lufkin, the vice president of Global Strategy at Instructure, a company that provides education technology and is listed on the New York Stock Exchange, talks with BusinessWorld reporter John Victor D. Ordoñez about utilizing modern technology to maintain the relevance of education in the Philippines.


During the post-coronavirus period, educators globally are utilizing online classrooms and hybrid learning systems, according to Mr. Lufkin. He stated that they use information from virtual evaluations to make informed choices and develop lesson plans based on student progress.

Data is beneficial to us in various ways. On an organizational level, data from the learning process aids educators in comprehending the efficiency and effectiveness of their educational resources.

“According to him, data can be utilized in classroom settings to pinpoint students who may be at risk or facing difficulties in learning at an early stage, enabling timely assistance.”

Additionally, he stressed the significance of educators utilizing information gathered from these platforms to improve course options and support students in establishing and attaining academic objectives.

According to him, having more data allows for a better understanding of not only student achievement, but also the effectiveness of programs and the success of the institution as a whole.

Many students worldwide have suffered from a decline in learning as a result of disruptions caused by the pandemic.

“According to Mr. Lufkin, by analyzing information collected from these platforms, we can determine how students measure up to established benchmarks and create strategies to close any existing gaps.”

“We need to rethink the traditional task of ‘writing a 10-page paper’ as the main indicator of mastering skills. It is necessary to reassess this method,” he stated.

At first, AI was seen as a method of cheating, causing numerous schools to prohibit its use. However, only ten months after ChatGPT was introduced, the focus has changed to how AI can improve students’ educational experiences.

According to Mr. Lufkin, AI has the ability to ease the workload of teachers by eliminating tedious tasks. He encourages educators worldwide to acknowledge the beneficial impact of AI in promoting student achievement.

Stay connected with us on Spotify for BusinessWorld’s B-Side.