Thursday, May 9, 2024


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“This Game is Controversial”: Controversy Surrounds New Agent in the Gaming Community as Valorant Faces Accusations of Copying Call of Duty and League of Legends.

The gaming community isn’t too forgiving when it comes to copying. While there are many games that have similar features, copying is something that is generally frowned upon. While Valorant is among the most popular free-to-play titles, out there, its recent update has fans complaining of the game copying other popular franchises. With trash-talking being a significant part of the Valorant community, this new feature might be something people would love to squabble over.

The Chinese freelancer ISO gained a following for his impressive shooting abilities in Valorant. However, some have criticized one of his special powers for being too similar to those in Call of Duty and League of Legends. Fans are not pleased with ISO’s interdimensional transportation skills, and game developers Riot Games may consider the community’s feedback before players start leaving Valorant for other options.

Valorant draws inspiration from both Call of Duty and League of Legends.

Warzone’s Gulag is a well-known battleground that gives players in the battle royale game a chance to redeem themselves. Some may see it as a place to practice and improve their skills, as well as interact with their operators. However, it’s not an ideal location to end up in. The new ultimate in Valorant, ISO, seems to have similarities to the Gulag, but on a smaller scale, where players can engage in a 1v1 battle in an interdimensional arena.

In contrast, Mordekaiser is a highly respected and intimidating figure in the world of League of Legends. The fierce warlord is not afraid of death and may even possess the ability to conquer it with his legendary abilities. In order to gain control of battles, Mordekaiser can transport himself and multiple enemies to the Death Realm. This powerful move can hold players captive in a hazy realm for a maximum of 7 seconds, which can feel like an endless eternity for those eager to rejoin the game.

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The recent update from ISO has sparked comparisons to Mordekaiser’s ability to banish opponents in Valorant as players struggle to leave the interdimensional arena. While some may enjoy this new feature, many community members are not pleased.

Fans are not particularly impressed with the ultimate of the new agent.

Fans are expressing disappointment with the lack of creativity in ISO’s recently revealed “Kill Contract” ultimate ability. There is confusion about whether the Valorant agent will be able to transport enemies to the intimidating Gulag.

Kyrie does not consider this ultimate move to be particularly impressive and also implies that it may not effectively hit its intended targets among others.

A different fan is convinced that the developers have run out of ideas for Valorant. This fan appears to be extremely disappointed with the new agent’s ultimate ability and may even consider switching to a different game.

Readers of the well-known manga Jujutsu Kaisen may have recognized a similarity with the latest ultimate move.

This may hinder Valorant from surpassing the classics in its genre for another fan.

What is your opinion on ISO’s latest ultimate ability in Valorant? Please share your thoughts with us in the comment section.

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The recent release of a new agent has caused controversy in the gaming community, with Valorant being accused of imitating elements from Call of Duty and League of Legends. The post titled “Yeah, This Game is Cooked” has sparked outrage among gamers.